
Free Resources and Articles From the Team at Niagara Institute


7 min read

Effective Meetings 101: Practical Tips to Increase Productivity and Foster Engagement

We’ve all been there—trapped in a meeting that feels like it’s going nowhere, watching the clock and wishing for a reprieve. But what if meetings...

Relationships at Work With Colleagues

4 min read

Building Relationships at Work With Colleagues Checklist

Colleagues can easily be some of the people you spend the most time with. After all, how many other people do you interact with as regularly as you...

Top 10 Collaboration Skills Leaders Need Today

4 min read

Top 10 Collaboration Skills Leaders Need Today

Every team needs a leader, whether it’s accompanied by a formal title or not. That’s because, without it, collaboration and teamwork are left to...

Great Teamwork: The 5 Factors for Success

4 min read

Great Teamwork: The 5 Factors for Success

Great results are the hallmark of great teamwork. Now, think of the impact of great teamwork happening across all teams in an entire organization. In...

Words to Describe Work Relationships

2 min read

175+ Words to Describe Work Relationships

Think of the last time you talked about your work relationships with someone. What words did you use to describe those relationships? Did you use...

The 4 Types of Working Relationships

3 min read

The 4 Types of Working Relationships

From the supervisor who has become your mentor to your teammate whose camaraderie lightens the burdens of the daily grind or the grumpy colleague...

Importance of Good Professional Relationships at Work

4 min read

The Importance of Good Professional Relationships at Work

13 years and two months. That’s the amount of time the average person spends at work in their lifetime, according to HuffPost. Add a year and two...

7 Ways To Improve a Cross-Functional Team

4 min read

7 Ways To Improve a Cross-Functional Team

The most tumultuous team I’ve ever been a member of was a cross-functional team. The team was made up of highly-educated, intelligent individuals who...

Lack of Collaboration Among Employees

4 min read

Lack of Collaboration Among Employees? Here’s Why, According to Stats

Leading a team where there is a lack of collaboration among employees can be a disheartening experience. Particularly if you can clearly see that...

Working In Silos: 7 Ways to Break a Silo Mentality

3 min read

Working In Silos? 7 Ways to Break a Silo Mentality

With 39% of employees surveyed saying there is a lack of cross-functional collaboration within their organization, chances are, you’re currently...

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