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Six Thinking Hats Template

Use This Template to Make Decisions, Develop Ideas, and See Things From a Different Perspective

The Six Thinking Hats individuals, leaders, and teams can use in the workplace to make decisions, conduct retrospectives, resolve conflicts, innovate, and implement change initiatives.  

To help you conduct your very own Six Thinking Hats exercise use this template and follow these steps: 

  1. Establish the order you will tackle the hats in 
  2. Allow time to prepare thoughts and notes
  3. Set a time limit for each hat
  4. Explain the purpose of the exercise (blue hat)
  5. Open the floor for discussion and take notes
  6. Discuss each hat one-by-one
  7. Return to the blue hat to conclude
  8. Revisit the red hat, if needed
  9. Send a copy to all participants 

Six Thinking Hats Template