[TOOLKIT] Understanding Your Team Culture

[TOOLKIT] Understanding Your Team Culture

The Team Culture Toolkit contains resources that will help you understand where your culture is today and what you want it to be.

To begin to foster a team culture that others want to be a part of, you first need to understand the topic and identify where your team culture is today. Fortunately, these team culture resources can help. In the toolkit, you'll find:

  • 9 articles about team culture
  • 1 editable toolkit that contains:
  • A quiz to uncover the type of work culture you have
  • A how-to on creating your own culture survey
  • 110 words to describe your culture
  • The ACE method worksheet for shaping your future team culture

Read the articles and get your copy of the PDF toolkit here >> 

The Team Culture Toolkit Conains Resources That Will Help You Understand Where Your Culture Is Today and What You Want It to Be

The 4 Types of Work Culture (+Quiz)

4 min read

The 4 Types of Work Culture (+Quiz)

What type of work culture do you have? Whether this is a question you’ve been asking yourself or been asked by others lately, you might find it...

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What is Team Culture? 4 Myths Busted

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What is Team Culture? 4 Myths Busted

Between looming deadlines, targets to be achieved, and expectations to be met, the last thing that may be on your mind is team culture. However, you...

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110 Words to Describe Company Culture: The Good, Bad, and Indifferent

5 min read

110 Words to Describe Company Culture: The Good, Bad, and Indifferent

Think of the last time you recounted your work life. What were the words you used? When chatting about work, we use certain words to paint a picture...

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